
马庆钰 曹堂哲 谢菊
发布时间:2015-4-2  发布人:本站  源自:本站


  作者:马庆钰,国家行政学院社会与文化学部副主任、教授、博士生导师,北京 100089;曹堂哲,中央财经大学政府管理学院副教授,北京 100081;谢菊,重庆行政学院教授,经济社会发展研究所副所长,重庆400041





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  [2][美]莱斯特·M·萨拉蒙,S·沃加斯·索克洛斯基等著.全球公民社会:非营利部门国际指数[M].陈一梅等译. 北京:北京大学出版社,2007. 76-85.





A Construction and Forecast of Chinese Social Organization Development Indicators System

Ma Qingyu   Cao Tangzhe  Xie Ju

  [Abstract]China has entered the era of governance during the period of the Thirteenth Five-year Plan for national economic and social development. Chinese government should complete a basic work: what is the development and construction of Social Organization Development Indicators System(SODIS)? SODIS can guide the modernization of social governance and ensure the coordination of the plan of social organizations and the overall plan of national economic and social development. SODIS consists of 4 dimensions and 32 quantitative and qualitative indicators according to the comprehensivity, systematicity and feasibility as guiding principles for the construction and forecast. Subsequently, the study calculates the predictive value of Chinese social organization development indicators from 2014 to 2020 and provides a guiding direction.

  [Keywords]social organization, strategic development, indicators system, prediction, China

  [Authors]Ma Qingyu is Professor of Chinese Academy of Governance, Deputy Director General at Department of Society and Culture, and Head of Plan Research Project for China Social Organizations Development, Beijing 100089; Cao Tangzhe is Associate Professor at School of Government, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081; Xie Ju is Professor and Deputy Director at Institute of Economic and Social Research, Chongqing Administrative College. Chongqing 400041

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