
徐晓新 张秀兰
发布时间:2015-5-6  发布人:本站  源自:本站









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Social Impact Bonds: An Innovative Mechanism of Social Programme Financing

Xu Xiaoxin   Zhang Xiulan

  [Abstract]Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) are an innovative form of cross-sector- collaboration in social programs financing through which private investments are utilized to fund social service providers to deliver the desired outcomes. The public commissioner delivers financial returns to the investors only if the defined social outcomes occur. SIBs are expected to balance the interests of government, private investors, service providers and other sectors so they can encourage the public sector to finance preventative and early intervention services, accelerate social service innovations, and facilitate nonprofit organization development. SIBs could be a potential strategic instrument to narrow the gaps between limited social service supplies and the flourishing social demands in China. Government can take several actions to promote SIBs in China such as: (1) funding SIBs related research, adopting international experiences and building up an applicable SIBs knowledge box to develop SIBs pilot programs; (2) supporting SIBs pilot programs commissioned by local and encouraging cross-sectorial collaboration; (3) cultivating SIBs intermediary organizations to enhance the competitive SIBs market; (4) improving the environment for SIBs by cutting red tape, introducing social investment tax relief, exploring secondary markets, etc..

  [Keywords]social impact bonds, social investment, pay for success, social services, non-profit organization

  [Authors]Xu Xiaoxin is Postdoctoral Research Fellow at School of Social Development and Public Policy, and School of Geography, Beijing Normal University; Zhang Xiulan is Professor at School of Social Development and Public Policy, Beijing Normal University. Beijing 100875

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