
席恒 翟绍果
发布时间:2015-5-6  发布人:本站  源自:本站








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Research on Policy Mechanisms and Program of Progressive Delaying Retirement Age in China

Xi Heng   Zhai Shaoguo

  [Abstract]Retirement age policy is interventions for workers enjoyable welfare in the context of a certain number of working years, which conducted a balance between labor contribution and retirement benefits of workers. Establishment of a fair, rational, scientific determining and adjusting mechanism of the retirement age should be fully considered in the labor contribution of workers, combined with the correction factors of retirement age. According to the status of the current actual retirement age, drawing mechanism design concepts and methods, we'd better use the progressive and differential retirement age policy based on the working years, which is "95(99) =standard retirement age working years". This five schemes should be selected and carried out progressively including"95system","96system","97system","98system"and"99system",and to take differential retirement age policy for different types of workers. Also, starting with the implementation of progressive delaying retirement age policy programs needs matching conditions support of pension reform.

  [Keywords]progressive delaying, retirement age, retirement policy

  [Authors]Xi Heng is Professor at School of Public Administration of Northwest University; Zhai Shaoguo is Associate Professor at School of Public Administration of Northwest University. Xi'an 710127

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