
发布时间:2015-5-6  发布人:本站  源自:本站








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40 years’ Governance of Marginalized Communities in France: Experiences and Lessons

Shi Chunyu

  [Abstract]To reduce regional differences and social inequality since the 1970s, France has been carrying out a set of policies aimed at marginalized communities which was later titled as“urban policy”. This “urban policy” has gone through four stages of development since the 1970s: “destigmatization”, “social activation”, “economy revitalization” and “community renovation and social integration”. The French government has opted for a “place-based” strategy during this process. This has caused a series of problems and disputes, such as the ambiguity of policy goals, the mixed outcomes, the paradox between state-led policy and decentralization. France’s experience tells us that the management cost of the “place-based” strategy is relatively high. A more rational approach would be a hybrid strategy of adopting a combination of the “people-based” and “place-based” models.

  [Keywords]marginalized community, urban policy, “place-based” strategy, “people-based” strategy

  [Author]Shi Chunyu is Lecturer at School of Public Management, Zhejiang University. Hangzhou 310018

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